Individualizing Experiential Learning: A Theoretical Perspective
Experiential Learning, Service Dominant Logic, Disruptive InnovationAbstract
Experiential learning is inherently individual in nature, ultimately taking place in the minds of individual students. However, most experiential learning research focuses on applications in group situations. This focus on group settings makes sense when theeducational objectives address group dynamics, where student interactions provide the data from which the students learn experientially. Even when student interactions do not provide data, group experiential learning designs tend to be driven by theexigencies of tight educational budgets and economies of scale provided by group versus individual instruction. Drawing on Christensen’s (Christensen, 2005; Christensen, Horn, & Johnson, 2011) theory of disruptive innovations, this paper discusses how experiential education might be individualized within a set of constrained resources.
Copyright (c) 2020 Hugh M. Cannon, James N. Cannon, Bryon C. Geddes, J. Alexander Smith
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