Decision Support-induced Engagement and Learning Trends by Simulation Phase


  • Aspy P. Palia


Based on learning and engagement theory, this disaggregated longitudinal trend analysis of decision support-induced engagement during Spring 2021 and Spring 2022 illustrates that early introduction of decision support system (dss) packages and freedom of choice results in increased dss usage tied to course assignments during each simulation phase. Further, the results support the hypothesis that user autonomy, relatedness, and competence foster dss-induced engagement, and that complex heavy workload demands under time pressure can be offset by the range of decision-making freedom and the amount of support provided. Based on prior participant suggestions, early dss introduction and support during the Spring 2022 semester resulted in increased online activity on both the simulation portal and course website. Participants downloaded and used more relevant dss packages tied to course assignments during each simulation phase. Enhanced understanding and application of strategic marketing concepts resulted in improved team presentations and individual strategic market plan reports.


