Panel toward Competency-Based Management Education: The Interpersonal/Communications Cluster


  • Donald S. Kline


"This is the second in a series of panel discussions within ABSEL on the emerging issue of competency-based management education. The first panel, in Orlando in February 1980, presented a ‘troika’ model of management education and presented findings of Phase I research by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). (6). Following the 1980 ABSEL meeting, this author chaired a panel at the Eastern Academy of Management (May 1980, Bingamton, NY) which reported on research conducted by the American Management Associations (AMA), parallel to that of the AACSB. (7). The AMA had initiated a competency-based, graduate management program in its New York City facility in Fall 1980. This paper and panel will focus on eight inter-personal competencies designated as an “integrative” cluster of non-cognitive attributes. One of these inter-personal competencies, USE OF ORAL PRESENTATION, is discussed in more detail. Issues of structure and process are raised with regard to two questions: - How can such a competency be taught! learned? (The issue of technology and pedagogy) - How can behavioral change with regard to that competency be measured? (The issue of measurement) "


