Getting to First Base with an Exercise for Writing and Evaluating Objectives


  • Max E. Douglas


Given an organic work environment, the success or failure of many MBO programs hinges on the goal setting process. Quick’s research has reinforced the importance of dyadic goal setting. Unfortunately, most students are exposed to MBO from an organizational and philosophical perspective. Minimal time is devoted to teaching students the phase of MBO which will most often challenge them at first - the goal setting process. The purpose of this research is two-fold: to review the nature of the goal setting process and secondly, to shire the results of goal-setting exercise used in an undergraduate principles of management course. It appears that most students can be taught to write verifiable objectives based upon a commonly accepted model. The exercise further demonstrates the role conflict and frustration that often accompanies dyadic goal setting. To this extent, this experiential exercise should place students on first base if they become challenged by participating in an MBO program.


