A Data Entry and Retrieval System for a Computer Simulation (DERS)


  • David J. Fritzsche


This paper reports the development of a data entry and retrieval system (DERS) which has been created for the purpose of significantly reducing the mechanical tasks associated with administering an educational simulation [1, p. 39]. DERS thus frees up time which the administrator can use to focus upon the creative aspects of the simulation experience. The system also enables the administrator to run the simulation when standard computer input-output devices are not operating. DERS alters the traditional administrative activity in several ways. First, students are responsible for entering their decision into the computer. Students are also responsible for obtaining their decisions from the computer. Second, no computer cards are used in the simulation. All information is put on and retrieved from disc storage. Third, the administrator actually runs the simulation. DERS was created for use with Marketing in Action C2]. However, the structure could be adapted to fit other simulations.


