Considerations for the Use of Computerized Business Simulations


  • Daniel H. Strang
  • Michael D. Crino
  • Thomas F. Pray


The authors have employed various management simulations to augment student interest and learning in both introductory and upper division courses. During the past year they developed and wrote a management simulation game (ADSIM: Administrative Simulation) with the purpose of (1) improving upon the decision-making aspects of the existing computer games and (ii) reducing certain of the “costs” associated with utilizing business simulations in introductory management courses. It was with special interest, therefore, that the authors read the literature outlining the benefits of the simulation approach to learning. Such evidence, given the state of the art, is necessarily inconclusive. The inconclusive nature of the evidence notwithstanding, previous empirical research has been limited in both scope and direction. Extensive attention has been paid to potential benefits, to the exclusion of pertinent costs. Our purpose is an attempt to regain a balanced perspective. This task requires that attention be paid to both costs and benefits associated with the use of simulations. The contribution of this article lies not with the data, for they are, of necessity, exploratory, but rather with its orientation.


