Three Applications of the Management of Learning Grid


  • J. Bernard Keys


"Three factors seem to be prerequisite to effective learning in experiential environments: 1. The dissemination of new ideas, principles, or concepts, which will be captioned CONTENT. 2. An opportunity to apply CONTENT in an experiential environment, which will be defined as EXPERIENCE. 3. FEEDBACK as to the results of actions taken and the relationship between performance at each chronological phase in EXPERIENCE and the subsequent result. An effective instructional style is created when a proper balance is obtained between these three factors much in the same way that an effective leadership style is obtained when the proper balance between task orientation and people orientation is obtained ( 1 ) Consequently, this paper will present a three dimensional model entitled, “The Management of Learning Grid.” The grid is a descriptive model, rather than a normative one, based on an extensive study of empirical literature of learning in experiential environments (See Figure 1) (6). This paper will briefly describe the grid and present three developmental projects which incorporate balanced dimensions of “The Management of Learning Grid.” "


