Successful Integration of WebCT into a Small Business School


  • Lynne Patten


The purpose of this article is to contribute to the dialogue regarding higher education and the integration of technology by reviewing the process that helped to successfully integrate technology into a small business school. This case study is based on the Clark Atlanta University (CAU) School of Business, which is a small, private institution located in Atlanta, GA. Recently, the CAU School of Business successfully integrated the use of WebCT into their normal course administration. The WebCT course webpages for all of the School of Business undergraduate courses were reviewed to determine what type of activity was taking place. In the Fall of 2005, the results indicate that over 80% of the courses in the CAU School of Business were utilizing WebCT as a part of course administration. The key elements that contributed to this school’s successful integration were following a strategic management process, having the adequate technology, and faculty training.


