Current Student Perceptions Relative to Business Simulations


  • Joseph N. Roge


"This study utilizes a survey that presents a series of questions in the form of Liken-like scales in order to determine the effectiveness of The Executive Game from the perspective of the student. A Chi-Square analysis of the data that was collected, along with an index that was calculated to measure the positive, negative, or undecided nature of the group’s response, provides a validation of the effectiveness of business games as effective supplemental tools from the perspective of the student. An analysis of the results suggest that students exposed to The Executive Game as a component of their business degree course work perceive their experience as positive. They vary the strategies that they employ during the game in their efforts to learn and to win. They would recommend such courses to their friends based on what they have learned and would take another course in which the game was utilized to present business concepts. This study concludes that, from the viewpoint of the students involved, the business game is an effective supplemental educational tool. Specifically, this study provides an indication of positive student response to seven areas identified by the literature in which business games may be effective. "


