Experiential Learning: Constraining Students with Time Budgets


  • Carol M. Bruton
  • Michael P. Bradley


"This paper discusses using experiential learning to teach students time management at work. Frequently our students accept positions in environments where they are assigned tasks that require more time than allowed to complete. This situation frequently arises in consulting firms. A consultant is frequently constrained to charge only the time allotted by the budget when the budgeted time is inadequate. At times, consultants do not have the liberty of spending more time on a project, regardless of the budget, because of the constraint of when the product must be delivered to the client. In the academic setting we do little to teach students how to approach tasks with time pressure. In this paper we suggest assigning in class projects that may not be comfortably completed in the time allotted. These assignments are used as teaching tools to increase the student’s effectiveness in dealing with time constraints. With each successive assignment we notice that the students ability to complete a quality assignment with time pressure improves. We suggest that students should use the amount of comfort or anxiety that they experience in the simulated time pressure situations as a guide in their job search. If they are uncomfortable with time pressure situations they should emphasize positions where time pressure is minimal. If they enjoy the stress they should emphasize time pressure environments such as consulting. "


