An Instrument for Investigating the Effectiveness of Teaching Methods in the Business Policy and Strategy Formulation Course


  • William D. Biggs
  • Wilford G. Miles
  • James D. Schubert


Since at least 1975 efforts hive been made to determine the perceived relative electiveness of cases and simulations in the business policy course. These efforts have been undercut by a lack of a common instrument to measure student perceptions. This paper reports on the development of such an instrument. The results of the study indicate that the instrument developed in this study provides researchers with scales that are conceptually clear, statistically satisfactory, and that measure variables ct importance to those who conduct research into the pedagogical effectiveness of business policy teaching methods. These scales measure student perceptions of how well cases and simulations teach Leadership and Group Interaction Skills, Business management Skills, Personal Growth Skills, Mediation and Decision Making Skills, and Learning Effectiveness.


