ABSEL - At A Crossroads?


  • Jerry Gosenpud
  • Patricia Sanders


ABSEL is a young organization. It is in its fourteenth year, and it has grown in sophistication, if not in size. Traditionally, it has been a “low profile” organization which has served as a primary professional organization for a small group of dedicated business educators who were intent on using business simulations, games, and experiential exercises as important classroom teaching tools. There has been a recent interest in ABSEL by a number of “outside” organizations, and it is currently being recognized as a leader in computer- ized and non-computerized experiential learning. This paper presents some dilemmas currently confronting ABSEL which are not atypical of evolving organizations, and recommends several steps for organizational self- analysis. The authors intend to present the topic in a forum format, and at least three original ABSEL charter members have agreed to participate.


