Management Competency Models and the Life-Long Learning Project: What Role For ABSEL?


  • Donald S. Kline


Over the past seven years or so two models have been developed pertaining to a competency-based approach to business/management education, training and development. Some of the foundations to this approach resulted from a three year joint task force project by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) and the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) 117; 18; 191. The two models, those of the American Management Associations (AMA) and the AACSB, provide a list of specific competencies which are thought to be relevant to above-average managerial performance. Early research by McBer and Company has led to the development of a validated competency model which has been used by the AMA. Several competencies in the McBer model are performance-relevant at the entry (supervisory) level of management. These and additional competencies from the AACSB model provide a rich area for future ABSEL research endeavors.


