From Business Games to Simulations - Simuworlds and Microworlds


  • J. Bernard Keys
  • Ted Keys


This paper will designate the difference between a business simulation--a fully case-based experience, with years of living history and a business game. Additionally it will demonstrate how simuworlds and microworlds result. The simulation described is based on a living case of Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Compaq Computer (CQ). Global Strategy Simulation (GSS) provides an introduction to a com-pany and a history so realistic that managers in specialty areas can learn not only how to conduct global strategic planning, but also the peculiarities and history of the mi-crocomputer industry, its competing firms, its suppliers and its R and D, manufacturing, and marketing to overseas employees or contract workers. GSS is designed primarily mature participants in industry or graduate schools. There are no chapters, only seminar sessions, and all wording is at the mid-management to executive level. All learning is experience--simulations provide living historically based complex and enriched experiential learning-- games pro-vide more generic, but often complex experiential learning.


