ABSEL Megatrend Roots


  • Stanley C. Vance


"While ABSEL has been on the scene for barely a decade, there are obvious megatrend patterns which we have already experienced and accepted. These are our mega-trend roots. Our predecessor game players had to contend with skeptical and sometimes hostile attitudes even within our own academic departments. This negativism should be minimal in the future. Our predecessors saw the potential in computer technology. Hopefully, we will continue this affinity. Our predecessors also had a good sense of humor and effectively utilized the fun aspects of business games. We must not subordinate this essential stimulant, particularly as we move toward maturity and academic sophistication. Oklahoma Christian College’s initial experience in serious education in the “dismal science” through an amusement theme park, Enterprise Square USA, could serve as a megatrend prototype for us. Our charge in our games, simulations and experiential learning designs is to find the proper mix: a balance of the innovative, academic, research rewarding, yet interesting and sometimes even amusing. We have excellent megatrend roots; let’s cultivate bountiful educational crops. "


