A Methodology for Assessing the Internal Validity of Business Simulations


  • Robert E. Schellenberger
  • John C. Keyt


Business simulations and games are popular teaching methods in management education today. The formation of ASSEL and the volume of dollars spent (estimated to be $100,000,000 a year in 1975 by Neuhauser [11]) attest to this fact. However, the question of value i.e. “What do simulations and games do for the student?” continually make the user. The purpose of this piper is to provide a methodological fr4mework for more rigorously assessing the value of business simulations. To accomplish this objective, the paper will: I) discuss and use a training perspective as a starting point in design of assessment methods, 2) discuss the use of experimental research tools and their use in assessment, and 3) present a brief proposed application of the assessment framework.


