Evaluation of Performance in Management Simulations: A Managerial Coefficients Model


  • Lloyd A. Swanson


"Frequently the success or failure of management simulation games in the classroom environment is dependent upon proper and fair simulation grading. The use of multiple performance criteria for the determination of grades in academic courses utilizing a management simulation has shown ever increasing popularity. There are two principal problems in achieving the desired results. First there is the problem of determining the appropriate set of criteria and secondly, there is the dilemma of assessing the proper weighting of the various criteria. This paper reports on the results of research that has been conducted to solve such a problem. The concept is one of utilizing the grading decision maker’s, i.e. the instructor’s, own or past decisions to not only determine the criteria and the respective weighting, but also incorporate the results into a system that would improve the present decision. These decision rules are developed from regression coefficients from the decision maker’s past decisions rather than attempting to directly identify and justify the criteria and the weighting. The rationale for this approach as well as an interpretation of the results from an application of the approach is also presented. "


