Intercollegiate Business Gaming from a Participant's Viewpoint


  • David B. Burks


"In presenting some views about intercollegiate business gaming from a participant’s viewpoint, let me begin by outlining briefly Harding’s experiences in these games. Our first experience in intercollegiate business gaming was in 1965 when Dr. Cox, who is now Vice President at Harding, entered a team in the marketing competition sponsored by the Marketing Club at Michigan State University. Harding placed second in the competition that first year. Harding then won the competition the next year, 1966, and again in 1968. Harding won for the third time at Michigan State in 1970. Because of interest generated in business gaming due to the success of teams entered at Michigan State, a second team was entered in the Intercollegiate Business Game and Conference sponsored by Emory University beginning in 1967. Harding won that conference for the first time in 1969, placed second in 1970, and then won the conference again in 1972 and 1973. Harding then won this competition for the fourth time and the third straight year in 1974. In addition to our experiences in these two intercollegiate games, this year we entered a second team in competition sponsored by the University of Nevada at Reno. That competition will be concluded later this year."


