Using Simulation, 360-degree Feedback, A Balanced Scorecard, and AARs to Assess Individual and Team Performance in Different Delivery Formats


  • James V. Caruso Drexel University


This workshop will describe the creative and innovative inte-gration of various assessment tools along with business acumen and leadership content in a graduate management course using an engaging total enterprise team-based simulation. Examples will be provided describing the simulation pedagogy and design options of implementing this course in three different delivery formats – (1) 11 weeks face-to-face, (2) 11 weeks online, and (3) a 4-day residency.
This course develops skills for two of the university’s student learning priorities (information literacy and leadership) by in-tegrating finance, accounting, strategic planning and imple-mentation, marketing segmentation, and operations with team-work, managing conflict, feedback, influence, alignment, and communication and presentation skills.
There are several self-assessment, team, and instructor assess-ment tools used. Collectively, they enable the students to see the correlation between a high performing team and business (financial and operational) performance. Some of the tools that assess each team’s business performance include a balanced scorecard, tailored success measures, and an analyst report.
The TeamMATE evaluation tool is built into the simulation and helps information assessors evaluate individual team behavior and team performance and students diagnose their own behav-iors and overall team functionality in real time to allow for cor-rective and developmental action. Students receive 360-degree feedback on their individual performance, reflect on their ‘blind-spots’ and practice giving and receiving feedback. Additional-ly, students also complete a communication style assessment.
Finally, student teams conduct a three-part after action review (AAR) after each round where they assess and reflect on what they intended to do, what actually happened, and what they need to do to improve performance the next round.
