Entrepreneurial Opportunities


  • Richard Teach
  • Elizabeth Tipton
  • Taptej Sidhu


This is a non-competitive simulation designed to teach its players how to evaluate entrepreneurial opportunities. The simulation creates a series of opportunities in which the player (or team of players) views an opportunity to join an inventor and form a high-tech start-up. The player evaluates an opportunity after receiving a substantial amount of both quantitative data as well as some qualitative data. During the first round the player describes the opportunity in a tweet of 180 charters. There after the player compares the current opportunity to the opportunity he or she just rejected opportunity in a tweet. These tweets are retained for further analysis.

The exercise continues until the player accepts an opportunity. Note that once the player rejects an opportunity, he or she may not go back and accept it later. And similarly once the player accepts an opportunity, he or she cannot search for better opportunities.

This game is designed to teach the player how to compare entrepreneurial opportunities and how to select the best opportunity from a set of opportunities on the condition that once an opportunity is passed over, it cannot be retrieved and once an opportunity is selected, no more opportunities can be researched.


