ERP Simulation Game: A Distribution Game to Teach the Value of Integrated Systems


  • Pierre-Marjorique Leger
  • Jacques Robert
  • Gilbert Babin
  • Derick Lyle
  • Paul Cronan
  • Patrick Charland


This session proposes participation in a ready-to-play game to teach the concepts underlying an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The ERP Simulation game is an innovative “learning-by-doing” and “problem-based” approach to teaching ERP concepts and competencies. The game is supported by ERPsim, a unique business simulation technology developed at HEC Montréal that enables the simulation of near-real-life business contexts of large corporate information systems. Participants are put in an environment whereby they run their business using a real life ERP system. The simulation that will be presented in this workshop consists of a distribution company where participants must operate the full business cycle (plan, procure, and sell). The game is designed to help students experience the value of upstream and downstream information flows and the value of process integration across functional silos, and to understand the impact of poor decision-making and timing by one player on team performance.


