Computer-Assisted Total-Economy Simulation: A Workshop Proposal


  • Precha Thavikulwat Towson University


This session will enable participants to engage with an adaptable simulation, GEO, that I developed for use in multiple business courses and settings. Courses where GEO has been used include Principles of Management, International Business, Global Economic Environment, and Strategic Management. Settings include on-site, online, and hybrid classes, as well as single-day online competitions. GEO is distinguished by its computer-assisted design, which enables participants to engage with each other in trade, employment, and financial transactions through digital markets; and by its total-economy scope, which requires participants to account for the global economic consequences of their individual decisions.

GEO is built on roles rather models. Participants assume individual roles on both sides of transactional relationships, such as buyer vs. seller, superior vs. subordinate, company executive vs. shareholders, and citizens of one nation vs. citizens of another. As participants encounter other participants on the other side of transactions, the way for participants to win is to adapt to the intelligence and emotions of other participants. The game is therefore computer-assisted, rather than computer-directed, computer-based, or computer-controlled, and therefore truly real.

Computer assistance and total-economy scope makes GEO adaptable to a wide range of courses and setting. For an introductory business course, for example, the instructor can limit the game to one nation and disable trading in shares. For a single-day competition, the administrator can set the clock to advance time automatically every 10 minutes. Limits also can be placed on roles, so that students enrolled in different courses can be engaged in the same game at the same time. Thus, students enrolled in a finance course can be limited to ownership of banks whereas students enrolled in a marketing course can be limited to ownership of businesses that are not banks. The student enrolled in both the finance course and marketing course at the same time would register under a different alias for each course, thereby participating as two different identities in the same game.


