Facilitate Business Experience in the Classroom


  • Abdy Taminsyah MonsoonSIM


MonsoonSIM is a cloud based experiential learning platform that combines experiential and social learning to Formal Education. This workshop is for educators interested in bringing business experience into the classroom. In this 75-minute workshop, ABSEL participants will be operating as a virtual company owner in an immersive game. Before the participants begin playing the game. Abdy from MonsoonSIM will present a very brief overview of the scope of the MonsoonSIM platform, in terms of the number of digitized concepts, that teachers could simulate for the students. Then we will explain how MonsoonSIM supports experiential learning, that is learning by doing. In the workshop participants, will compete in a simulated economy to run a successful enterprise. Participants start with a budget and open retail stores, invest in marketing activities, buy and manage stock in warehouses and read the company’s financial reports as they play. After the game has been run, participants can analyze the company data based on their inputs. This workshop will demonstrate what the students will undergo in a typical 60-minute class time, in a typical introductory Accounting, Economics, Management or Supply Chain class. As a workshop facilitator, Abdy will demonstrate how teachers can easily set up the simulation to cater to 50 students in a classroom concurrently, in class or virtually. Participants will gain deeper understanding of business concepts and better strategic planning as they immerse themselves in the workshop. The concepts covered in this workshop are Retail Business, Marketing, Warehousing, Logistics and basics of Accounting. At the end of the workshop, business analytics will be conducted based on the game derived data. MonsoonSIM integrates a complete ERP (Enterprise Resources Planning) baseline concept - providing a solid knowledge foundation for all types of business studies. Hence, MonsoonSIM is suitable for Economics, Accounting, Operational, Industrial, Management, Finance, Logistics, Supply Chain, Entrepreneurship foundation studies.

