Can business news articles be used to teach business model analysis?


  • Rebecca Schmeller Ashland University


Purpose. The purpose of this paper is to share a content analysis of business news articles’ usability for teaching Business Model concepts in a capstone business course. There is a gap in business capstone literature because published articles do not address the applicability of business news to Business Model teaching. Findings. Content analysis of a random convenience sample of business news articles found 63% of articles were appropriate for illustrating Business Model concepts. Recommendations. This limited study should be expanded with larger samples and automatic content analysis to determine if Business Capstone professors should include business news in strategy courses to address student lack of Business Model understanding. Limitations. This study used randomly chosen samples (teaching materials, news articles); therefore, findings are limited. Also this study’s content analysis used interpretive coding. Future research with automatic coding is needed to increase validity. Future research is needed for broader samples and to measure effects of this teaching technique. Value. Business Model teaching is a core component of Business Capstone courses, but evidence shows students do not understand fundamental aspects; therefore, professors must use innovative and experiential methods that can improve learning.






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