Case Study: The Impact of Moving a Simulation from Face-To-Face to Distance Modes


  • Jim Szot University of Texas at Dallas


The COVID-19 pandemic caused a rapid move from traditional face-to-face classroom education to various forms of remote learning. Early research suggests that some faculty successfully adapted to the shift from classroom to remote learning and it was possible for students to maintain the same level of academic engagement without compromising their learning. This study contributes to that early research by examining student opinions about simulations and academic teamwork following a simulation game experience conducted synchronously during face-to-face class meetings prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, asynchronously using remote-mode technology with synchronous remote debriefs during the early stage of the pandemic, and hybrid mode with a combination of face-to-face classroom sessions and remote team meetings during later stages of the pandemic. Synchronous debrief sessions were held either face-to-face or via web conference for all modes. This study found no significant differences in student attitudes and learning between the three modes and noted a wider variation of attitudes towards simulations following the late-stage pandemic hybrid approach.


