Assessing Project Management as an Academic Learning Outcome (ALO)


  • Martin J. Hornyak
  • K. Blaine Lawlor


Colleges and universities ask,” how do you measure outcomes like Project Management (PM)” in our graduating students. Legislatures have directed universities and colleges to develop Academic Learning Outcomes (ALO) to meet the State’s Academic Learning Compacts established with in its curriculums. Students must be able to demonstrate an ALO, like PM, but this learning domain must be measurable. To evaluate PM one must assess many PM activities being done to deliver a completed project. Our students are assigned to teams in a business simulation where they responsible for successful PM activities. This paper looks at our effort toward a more accurate measure of the Project Management ALO using team members and faculty rating each team member on their PM activity performance. This evaluation combines final team simulation performance standings in the assessment of a PM ALO.
