The Casino Challenge: Making Simulation Delivery a Safe Bet!


  • Jeremy J. S. B. Hall


"This demonstration uses a computerised business simulation - the Casino Challenge - to explore simulation functionality to help learning delivery. Casino Challenge was designed to be used throughout a series of business and financial appreciation courses for middle Casino management in the UK. Although designed for use by British Casinos, the simulation's scenario seems particularly germane to an ABSEL conference held in Las Vegas! However, rather than exploring the learning objectives or scenario of this simulation, the demonstration will focus on an exploration of simulation functionality and how technology can be used to support the learning delivery process and the academic running the simulation. Thus it is designed to stimulate thought about functionality needs, provide insights and discussion opportunities. Casino Challenge uses a Tutor Support System to help the trainer or academic administer, facilitate and manage learning. After describing administration, facilitation and learning management, the demonstration will explore elements of the Tutor Support System. And specifically, the help system, decision screening, explanation, performance comments, a tutor's audit and team commentary. This exploration will be in the context of learning delivery and support and general needs. "


