Assessing Brand Portfolio Normative Consistency & Trends with the Normative Position of Brands & Trends Package


  • Aspy P. Palia


The Online Normative Position of Brands & Trends (NPB & Trends) Package is used in Strategic Market Planning (SMP) to assess the consistency of each strategic business unit (SBU) relative to its normative position at the end of each year of operation, and the trends in normative con-sistency over the course of competition. Based on an analy-sis of the strength and trends in their own brand portfolio and the brand portfolios of their competitors displayed on the Growth Share Matrix, participants check the position of each SBU on the Growth Gain Matrix relative to its norma-tive position. Corrective action is taken, if necessary, to improve their own trends in normative consistency over the course of competition. Insights are derived about competi-tor’s strategies by evaluating the normative consistency and trends of competitor brand portfolios. Based on their analysis of their own and competitor brand portfolios, the SMP is adjusted to optimize the performance of the overall brand portfolio while maintaining cash in balance. Based on reviewer feedback, an online survey of participants at the end of the Fall 2011 semester revealed that the NPB & Trends Package is easy to use, helpful in understanding normative consistency, and analyzing the brand portfolio. Participants indicated that the NPB & Trends Package adds substantial value to their Strategic Market Planning and Marketing Strategy learning experience.
