eBiz Game: A Scalable Online Business Simulation Game for Entrepreneurship Training


  • Yuen Pohl Lai
  • Tan Long Siau


"This article examines how a scalable web-based business simulation game was evolved and developed; and how it can be used as an exercise in entrepreneurship training and as competitive platform. The use of simulation offers entrepreneurship educators many instructional opportunities that would be unavailable to students without the use of simulations. The eBizGame simulates the competitive and dynamic business environment and allows students to role-play on an interactive basis as directors of a small business. Through simulation, students can sharpen their business acumen, develop desirable process skills and demonstrate problem solving and thinking skills; and creativity and innovation. This article examines how the game was evolved, developed and used for entrepreneurship training and competitions. XML, N-tier architecture and load-balancing techniques are used to implement this web-based game. "


