An Exploratory Study of the Impact of a Simulation Exercise on the Managerial and Personality Traits and the Decision Making Styles of Marketing Students


  • William J. Wellington
  • David Hutchinson
  • A. J. Faria


Using a pre-test/post-test experimental design, the present study explores how the experience of participating in a marketing simulation game impacts the managerial and personality traits and decision making styles of the simula-tion players. The present study sought to determine whether the simulation experience had an impact on selected mana-gerial and personality traits of the participants and their decision-making style. The study findings, involving a usa-ble sample of 325 students, showed that the simulation ex-perience brought about a number of changes in participant managerial and personality traits and decision making styles and that in many instances, the extent of these chang-es were related to performance level. In particular, the traits of competitiveness and Big 5 extraversion were found to have potential as stable predictors of simulation game performance.
