The Dynamics of a Partnership between Business and Education


  • John A. Chyzyk


"The management and administration of a provincial business simulation competition is, to say the least, a major undertaking. The undertaking requires a number of variables working together to form the net result of a change within; the high school students perception of a career path, the teacher advisor’s perception of another extracurricular activity, the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce shift to provide the financing support, and myself, the gamesmaster, whose self motivation must never be perceived to slow down. The Manitoba Youth Business Institute (MYBI) has successfully run such a competition for the past four years. There are 170 teams, over 700 students, and 75 teacher advisors who have now competed in the “Executive Games” for the opportunity to take home a thousand dollars for each student or $4,000 for the four members of the winning team. The four second place team members receive $500 each or $2,000 and the third place team members receive $250 each. This paper outlines the issues faced by Brandon University, the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce and Manitoba’s students and teachers. The procedures will be detailed below for any other province, state, territory or country to help in organizing a similar competition. "


