The Promotion Human Sexuality in Organizations


  • Janet Mills Bentz


"This paper describes an experiential exercise that enables participants to identify and analyze the dynamics of human sexuality that influence interpersonal relations in organizations. Participants read a short case history in which several aspects of human sexuality emerge as issues. These include: (1) sensuality, or the enjoyment of the physical body, (2) intimacy, or psychological/emotional closeness and interdependence, (3) identity in both biological and social dimensions. (4) sexualization, or the use of sexuality to influence the attitudes or behavior of others and (5) reproduction issues (Gochros, 1977). Participants individually rank characters in the case history in the order of least to most objectionable and then discuss their rankings, working toward a group consensus. The overall goals of the exercise are: to promote awareness of the complexity of human sexuality as a factor of influence in the organizational setting and to provide the opportunity for participants to examine their own values and beliefs about the expression of sexuality in organizations. "


