The Effectiveness of Online Quizzing as a Repetitive Learning Tool in A Marketing Class: A Field Study of the Testing Effect


  • William Wellington
  • David Hutchinson
  • A. J. Faria


A field study of the testing effect (Roediger and Karpicke, 2006) using a low grade weighted online learning management system applied to learning in a large lecture introductory marketing class was undertaken. The testing effect predicts that students who practice more with online quizzes will remember more of what they learned. The subjects were 454 students who completed a twelve week semester in which they were offered nine marketing topic area quizzes, each of which presented seven total attempts broken into three different time frames. The grade weight of the quizzes was very low (1.11% each) with the best attempt score being counted. At the conclusion of the course the marketing students were doubly classified into high, medium and low repetition attempt groups and high, medium and low examination performance groups. An ANOVA analysis of repetition grouping versus final and midterm examination percentage performance and then examination grouping versus total quiz attempts was undertaken. The findings showed significant differences in midterm and final examination performances for the repetition groups when controlling for inclass quiz performance. The ANOVA of the high, medium and low examination performance groupings indicated that for the final examination, the low performance group had statistically significant fewer quiz attempts than the medium performance group which also had statistically significant fewer quiz attempts than the high exam performance group. The findings for the midterm examination were not as strong as there was only a marginally significant difference (.065) between the low exam performance group and medium exam performance group in terms of total quiz attempts while there was a statistically significant difference in total quiz attempts between the high performance group and the medium performance group. The conclusions drawn from these findings are that the testing effect was present and that low stakes quizzing was beneficial to student learning.


