Developing Educational Strategies for Experiential Learning: An Application of Service Dominant Logic from Marketing


  • Bryon C. Geddes
  • Hugh M. Cannon
  • James N. Cannon
  • Andrew Hale Feinstein


Learning, and particularly, experiential learning is a process that takes place inside the learner. Teaching is a process that takes place outside of the learner. While the educational literature addresses both processes, it offers very little discussion of the theory connecting the two. How does teaching stimulate learning? This paper addresses the connection between teaching and learning by drawing on the concept of service dominant logic from Marketing, and more specifically consumer co-creation of value. Co-creation posits that consumer value does not come from products or services, but rather, from the dynamic interaction between operant resources (provided by the marketer) on operand resources (provided by the consumer). While viewing educational value as the product of an interaction between teaching inputs and learner responses offers little new insight, exploring the nature of operant (teaching) and operand (learning) resources provides a powerful theoretical tool for understanding the nature of the teacher- student interaction. This paper develops a framework for classifying operant and operand resources. The framework, in turn, offers useful strategic insights for designing experiential learning programs.


