A DSD Experience for Game Development Among Colombian Students


  • Carlos Mario Zapata-Jaramillo
  • Bell Manrique-Losada
  • Liliana Gonzalez-Palacio
  • Mar Eugenia Gonzalez


Teamwork skills, risk analysis, project management, requirements elicitation, and negotiation among clients and users are required competencies for implementing software development processes. Development of such competencies is hard when you follow traditional teaching methods. For this reason, an ongoing challenge educators face is related to finding new strategies to be used in the classroom for achieving this goal. Distributed Software Development (DSD) is a way to combine such competencies in a real environment. Consequently, in this paper we propose a DSD experience based on the development of a game in order to give the students a practical view about DSD. This approximation in academic environments allows the students for becoming active during their learning process. Also they learn to be careful with their challenges and risks when they start to develop software applications in industry.
