Educational Perspective of Collaborative Virtual Communication and Multi-User Virtual Environments for Business Simulations


  • Wai Keong Mak
  • Aspy P. Palia


"Computer technologie have been adapted to reinforce existing learning theories and to promote new approaches to learning. A growing trend towards the adoption of the Internet as a vehicle for course delivery is observed. This paper attempts to identify some of the advancement in Internet technologies and educational pedagogy that could be deployed in Business education, such as the opportunity and incentives for existing business simulation system in standalone mode (in DOS or Windows format) to adopt a web-based or web-hybrid model. In addition, collaborative virtual environments (CVEs) such as online forum and chats, and 3D Multi-User Virtual Environments (MUVEs) for learning are introduced and discussed for potential of integration with business simulation systems / games to provide a fun, game-like and authentic-task oriented approach system for teaching and learning "


