Creation of a Virtual Learning Community for the Global Virtual Enterprise Project


  • Myrna Flores
  • Arturo Molina
  • Giuliano Marcon
  • Carlos Bremer


From smoke signs up to the new Telecommunication Era, human beings have always tried to express themselves and share ways of thinking. This new era allows people around the world to communicate with each other in an easy, fast and less expensive way. People share experiences and learn from each other. This favors the creation of Virtual Communities; when people share ideas and learn from other in cyberspace, Virtual Learning Communities arise. The main goal of any Virtual Learning Community is to create a shared way of understanding, obtaining a win-win attitude. The aim of this paper is to describe what is a Virtual Learning Community, the necessity to create it and how it has been built in order to obtain a successful collaborative environment; in this case, the development of the Global Virtual Enterprise project. The creation of a Virtual Learning Community will enhance communication among its partners and at the same time will help to obtain the desired project objectives.


