Practice Makes Perfect: The Impact of Longitudinal Quizzing on Computer Simulation Group Performance


  • Brandon Kilburn
  • Ashley Kilburn


Computer simulations used in the business classroom have demonstrated positive outcomes: learning reinforcement (Dweck, 1986), exposure to real-world decision-making scenarios, increased decision-making speed, and extended information retention times (Bolt, 1993). More specifically, using supplemental assessment tools with computer simulations has been documented emphasizing the importance of oral or written presentations incorporating simulation variables (Alpert, 1995), pairing content with case studies (Zych, 1997), exams/quizzes pertaining to the simulation parameters (Brooks et al. 2006) on learning. Interestingly, however, there is limited research on longitudinal assessment as supplemental assessment and its impact on student performance in simulations on a group-level. This study examines the effect of longitudinal change across two sequential, related, yet non-identical group simulation-related quizzes on group simulation performance ranking. Findings from a sample of 10 different CAPSIM administrations examining 55 groups (over 275 students) suggest that a change in group quiz scores is a significant predictor of group performance ranking in the CAPSIM© business simulation. The group is the unit of analysis. Pedagogical implications discuss the role of learning and longitudinal assessment within groups.


