The Organizational Behavior Simulation


  • Peter M. Markulis
  • Daniel R. Strang


OB SIMUMATION is a comprehensive and integrated simulation in the field of Organizational Behavior. The purpose of this simulation is to give the student a vicarious experience as a typical manager who must deal with the various issues associated with Organizational Behavior. The simulation emphasizes active learning by having the students play the role of a newly appointed manager who must make a series of decisions regarding various managerial issues. The issues in the simulation are based on the standard topics taught in an Organizational Behavior and presented through a series of sequential episodes. A key enhancement to the simulation is the presences of audio and some animated files. Most of the episodes and related files in the simulation not only appear in written form, but in audio form as well, with some files containing animated scenarios. As far as the authors know, this is the only computerized, comprehensive simulation in the field of Organizational behavior.


